Teen Leadership Breakthrough

Provide teens with the training that empowers them to create their own opportunities!
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Life-Changing Youth Leadership Training

Teen Leadership Breakthrough is a 2.5-day interactive course that teaches youth leadership skills and encourages learners to step into the role of their lifetime: a leader. Through hands-on processes that force your teen to step out of their comfort zone, this youth leadership training course will create positive change in their life and prepare them for adulthood.


NOTE: This course is only for teenagers aged 15-18.


Attendees will:

  • Learn to communicate with confidence
  • Discover how to work as a team to accomplish a common goal
  • Face their fears and tap into the confidence necessary to achieve their dreams
  • Uncover who they truly are
  • Step into their power as leaders

This leadership development course is what your teen needs to take their accomplishments to a new level!


Focus Factors

Creating individual behavioral change, especially sustainable change, is the most difficult ambition of nearly all training programs. That's why we utilize proven practices for creating true, long-term performance change.

  • Feedback and Accountability

    Get and give the feedback necessary to hold themselves accountable to their family and peers, and hold their peers accountable to them.
  • Teamwork and Support

    Discover how working as a team can help to reach goals faster. Build on peoples’ strengths, minimize weaknesses, and have the support of a rock-solid team behind you.  
  • Self-Confidence & Unleashing Potential

    They are capable of anything. Once they tap into their self-confidence, they’ll unleash their greatest potential.
  • Passion & Enthusiasm

    Learners will uncover their mission and vision and then tap into the enthusiasm necessary to achieve it.
  • Communication

    Listening is by far the most important communication skill. Learners will understand when they need to listen, how to ask questions, and how to communicate their ideas with power.  
  • Focus & Motivation

    Leaders must be able to prioritize their tasks and then focus on their goals. Learners will be empowered to take action.

For decades, Rapport’s processes have been a catalyst for behavioral change by producing intense experiences that create self awareness, provide feedback, uncover motivation, and utilize anchors to aid in recall.

Understand Our Methodology

EXPERIENCES WITH Teen Leadership Breakthrough

What Our Graduates Are Saying

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Give your teen the gift of a better future!.

Course Schedule